Sunday, September 10, 2017

Hwy Update Sepyember 2107


The Agriculture Business Community (ABC) has been busy meeting with local politicians and communicating our concerns to the Study Team via MPP Randy Pettapiece. The Study Team did contact us asking for a meeting in July which we have consistently told them was an inappropriate time for the Agriculture community. Below is the text of our letter to them in response.

Brenda Jamieson, P. Eng.
Senior Vice President
Canada Transportation Business Unit Lead

300 Water Street
Whitby, Ontario L1N 9J2,

Dear Ms. Jamieson:

We appreciate the request to meet. As you know this time of year is difficult. This is the busiest time in our business cycle. We have asked you in the past for more appropriate times to meet. We are disappointed that the meeting dates suggested are completely unrealistic. 

This four year abandonment of the study shows complete disregard for the value we place on community involvement in our future. It does not inspire confidence in this process.
To provide you with effective commentary we need time to review the recent report, meet and prepare a response. Otherwise, a meeting would make a mockery of the public consultation process. 

Since this is such an important issue to the agriculture businesses and rural areas affected, we feel strongly that meeting dates into the fall are more appropriate. The end of October is the soonest agriculture will be in a position to meet.

We urge you to consider this seriously. We feel strongly that the process we were all supposed to follow has been abrogated by the Study Team’s failure to follow through sooner. Your lack of response until now, to the many official comments and concerns, from the last Public Information Centre is not conducive to any meaningful process.

Yours truly:
Sharon Weitzel per

Agriculture Business Community of Perth East, Perth South and Wilmot West

Cc: Randy Pettapiece, MPP Perth-Wellington

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