Tuesday, December 7, 2010

ABC sends in letter of Concern to the MTO

After receiving an inadequate response to the community concerns, ABC has responded to the Regional Director, requesting information and clarification of the statements made in the letter.

Regional MTO Letter2

Friday, December 3, 2010

Minister Wynne responds

Earlier this year ABC had some concerns that the Minister's Office (Ministry of Transportation) had not received material sent to them by our MPP John Wilkinson. Eventually we received this letter below. The Minister DID receive the material and is supporting the Regional Office responses.

Minister Wynne Letter

Sunday, November 7, 2010

The MTO Responds ?

After sending out a comprehensive package to Minister Wynne, ABC was disappointed to receive a letter back from the Regional MTO Office in London. That letter failed to answer the questions and issues we had put in front of the Minister. The Regional Director also made statements that were not true. We have responded with a letter to that effect.


Ministry Response Letter July2010


Ministry Response Letter July2010 001

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

MPP sends letter to Minister

John Wilkinson, MPP sent the letter below to Minister Wynne. Along with the letter from Mr. Wilkinson, the material sent to Minister Wynne included a Summary of the issues ABC still has and a copy of the mapping presentation, which was presented at the March 2010 workshop. A copy of the Issues is also below.

JW Letter to Minister 062010

June 24 Final

ABC's Volume 5 Pic 3b Submission

September 3, 2010 was the deadline for responses and comments as a result of PIC 3 b. ABC filed a Volume 5 in response and a cover letter. The documents below can be printed off from the Scribd window.



ABC meets with MPP

In March of this year, ABC participated in a workshop sponsored by the Study Team for a special review of Shakespeare and area. In response , ABC put together another detailed report consisting of maps for the area defining an integrated agriculture business unit, visually showing the positioning of 10 sample units and demonstrating travel patterns for nutrient management etc.

Since this explained so well what the MTO and the study team has to date failed to grasp, ABC took this and portions of the Study Team material, to our MPP, John Wilkinson to ensure he was well briefed on the process issues we have been dealing with.

We had a very good and detailed meeting. Below is the letter ABC sent to Mr. Wilkinson after the meeting.

May 2010 MPP Wilkinson

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Study Team Weighting

In response to the Study Team's requests for "weighting" of criteria, ABC submitted the following letter and Annex.

Weighting Letter Pic3b

Sunday, March 14, 2010

March 8, 2010 Shakespeare Workshop

Below is the Agriculture Business Community press release for this event.

March 8 Press Release

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Consultants respond to Vol. 4

The Consultant's team for the Highway 7 & 8 corridor study have provided the Agriculture Business Community with detailed responses to the recommendations made in ABC's Volume 4 submission . You can read them below.

Hwy 7 and 8 Response to ABC Recommendations_Feb26-10

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

MTO presents to Perth East

On Feb. 2, 2010 the Consultants for the Highway 7 & 8 study presented details of the revisit study phase to Perth East council. We are providing it here as part of the public record.
Council Pres Perth East Feb2-10