Friday, November 29, 2013

A resolution about the EA process goes provincial

In November 2013, the Perth Federation of Agriculture ratified the submission of a resolution about the Environmental Assessment process to the Annual meeting of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture.

On the floor of the annual meeting it was sucessful in being carried with a significant majority from the floor.

This important resolution will now go before the Board of the OFA and work on implementing a successful outcome for agriculture can begin.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

ABC submits a Response to PIC6

On November 15,2013 the Agriculture Business Community (ABC) submitted its response to PIC 6.  Entitled Volume 9, it is available below and on our website under its own page for anyone interested  to view, copy or download.

It is short, direct and to the point, and lists a variety of concerns that have been problems from the inception of this Environmental Assessment (EA).

ABC has distributed this document to all the affected municipalities for their information.