Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Newsletter # 3

Hwy 7 & 8 Newsletter Update Sept. 18, 2008 Volume # 3

At our last volunteer meeting many issues were discussed. We wrote up a list of our discussion results from both the community volunteers and the Consultants of the Study, who were guests at that meeting. Below are 7 items that the Consultants and volunteers agreed were the outcome of the discussion.
Discussions Results

1. The consultants and the Ministry have NOT taken cost into consideration in the generation of the corridors.
2. Cost will not be part of the considerations in the selection of the preferred corridor.
3. The consulting team has the approval of MTO to consider highway designs OTHER THAN four lane controlled access when they are selecting the preferred corridor and selected routes within that corridor. Different levels of access will be considered by the consulting team.
4. Brenda Jamieson will send a revised planning schedule for us to send along to members.
5. Charles Organ will forward the planning protocol for highway plans for us to send on to our members. This will include the timing of presentations to municipal councils prior to PICs .
6. Land ownership did not influence the location of the different corridor options. An additional corridor alternative has been identified for a southern by-pass of Stratford. The alternative is situated closer to the City limits in the vicinity of the existing hydro corridor. The public lands owned by the City of Stratford may be considered in a future corridor..
7. The consultants had considered a workshop on September 17 but that is under re-consideration.

Point 7: Post meeting note: The Corridor Alternatives Workshop will be rescheduled to late October
"Please note that the revised planning schedule and planning protocol documentation are being prepared and will be provided to you later this week for distribution to your members."- B. Jamieson

Other Community Meetings

On Thursday, Sept. 11th,Gail and Larry Stacey (east side of Hwy 7) hosted the Consultants' team . The intent was for any and all members of Perth South , who might be impacted by any of the proposed Corridors, to bring their property information in, meet with members of the Consultants team, ask their questions and/or make an on farm appointment for their portion of the Agricultural Survey.By all accounts it was a busy day and many residents took the opportunity to attend. On Sept. 24th, Jamie Gibb hosted a similar event for the west side of Hwy 7.

Municipal Responses

The municipality of Perth South was already on record with their concerns, as stakeholders in this portion of the study. Their response will be taken to County Council by the Warden, on behalf of the citizens. The municipality of Perth East held a meeting with representatves of the Agricultural Business Community of Perth East and has also responded for the record with their concerns and reservations.

Other Items

Please forward or print this newsletter for members who do not have e-mail.

-- contact:


Perth South: Marg Van Ness 519-393-6479
Gail Stacey 519-271-0218
Jamie Gibb 519-393-6219

Perth East: Paula Neice 519-662-4847
Linda Dietrich 519-655-2613
Sharon Weitzel 519-273-0918

Wilmot West: Wayne Wagler 519-662-3658
Gary Wagler 519-662-3384

-- Agriculture Business Community of Perth East, Perth South, Wilmot West

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