Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Traffic Density

Smart Growth Discussions...

Q.# 1. What documentation did you use for current and estimated future traffic volumes?

Q.# 2. Are these numbers valid considering the current/future prices for gas?

Q. # 3. Has MTO consulted with VIA rail around a collaborative approach to moving more passenger traffic on to the railroad through a frequent, convenient and affordable [subsidized] commuter service?

Q. # 4. Has MTO consulted with freight rail services around a collaborative approach to moving more freight on the railroad?

Q. # 5. Why do we need 8 lanes of traffic in a mile and a quarter ( 2 on highway 7&8, 4 new ones and 2 on Line 33) plus a railway track? I would like to know where all this traffic is supposed to go to? (that's even more than the 401)

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