Monday, August 11, 2008

Hwy 7 & 8 Update Newsletter # 1

Hwy 7 & 8 Update August 11th, 2008 Newsletter #1

It has been just 2 weeks since we had our first meeting about the Hwy 7 & 8 issue. The results are nothing short of amazing in the time we have been working on this.
Thank you all for attending and your help.

We estimate that 155 people were in attendance at Larry & Linda Dietrich's on July 22 and the phones have been ringing off the hook from producers and residents who could not attend.

Our meeting attendees signed and we mailed 80 letters the very next day.

We had people from Wilmot and Perth South present.

Wilmot Township copied the Perth East letter and distributed it. They told us they have had a tremendous response and mailed out 100 letters.

A volunteer is trying to ensure North Easthope residents are aware of the project's scope and collect contact information.

Another volunteer is doing the same thing for Perth South.

Other people who attended have been asking for copies of the letter to help inform their neighbors.

As the August 15th date was such a short time frame, we decided to see what we could do to have that date moved. It was the date the Consultants were using as a yardstick for the next phases (eliminating corridors or plans?!?!). In order to correspond with the MTO and Highway Study team we needed a name to call our group. We decided that "Agricultural Business Community of Perth East" (ABCOPE) best described the majority and we have included everyone in this group.

We are very pleased to report we have been successful in moving the date to Sept. 30th, 2008.

This was only possible because of your interest and the numbers present. Together, we can have an impact.

We now have adequate time to educate ourselves, notify people and work on getting the information (land use issues, detailed agricultural business information, nutrient management issues, etc.), that will be critical for a successful outcome.

We will be convening a meeting of all volunteers to discuss strategy and bring everyone up to date on the most recent information and activities. We also need to decide who and how we can divide up any work to be done. Let us know if you would like to volunteer some time.

As soon as possible, we WILL be in touch with you all with another UPDATE. Please take the time to speak with your neighbors to ensure everyone is up to date on what is happening and ask them to call or email their contact information to add to our master list.

Contact: Linda Dietrich tel: 519-655-2613

Sharon Weitzel tel: 519-273- 0918


Agricultural Business Community of Perth East Committee
August 8, 2008

In Newsletter #1 we were able to report the response date for the Proposed Highway 7/8 Corridors has been moved from August 15 to September 30. The Committee wants to use this extra time to collect information to be able to influence the consultant's recommendations to the MTO on the next step of the plan which is the selection of the preferred corridor.

To do this we need to hear from you. We need to know any and all questions you have for the consulting team before they proceed.

At the gathering on July 22 at the Dietrich's farm, several questions were asked but there was no way to respond to them. e.g.

Is the consultant considering the workability of the farms, nutrient management requirements etc. as part of their selection criteria?. How will the government determine market value for properties that are identified for the final route? How will owners be compensated if the loss of part of their property results in the farm business becoming not viable?

Please mail, email or call us with your questions by August 18. We will prepare a master list of questions and get it to the consultant and MTO to respond to.

Thanks for your help.




Sharon Weitzel
R.R. # 2
N0B 2R0